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Media and Events

I regularly provide media comment and deliver invited presentations, workshops, seminars, and webinars. This page provides a selection of some recent media and speaking events.


“What can children and young people teach us about grief?” Invited presentation, International Work Group in Death Dying and Bereavement, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada


“Grief literacy and transitional bereavement care” (with Wendy Lichtenthal, Director of the Center for the Advancement of Bereavement Care, University of Miami), 4th Annual U.S. Celebration of World Hospice & Palliative Care Day: A Virtual Coming Together!


My Warm Table podcast Grief Part 1 (with Shelly Skinner)


My Warm Table podcast Grief Part 2 (with Shelly Skinner)


"Grief literacy: A lifespan perspective” – keynote address at the Association for Death Education and Counseling Conference, Columbus Ohio, USA


“Supporting grieving clients: A lifespan perspective” Masterclass for Australian Association for Cognitive Behaviour Therapy


“Grief literacy: Why it matters in improving grief and bereavement care” webinar for Grief Australia


The Future Of podcast Grief (with Shelly Skinner)


“What the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us about grief” – opening keynote address at the International Conference on Current Advancement in Psychology (ICCAP), Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia


What works to reduce anxiety and depression in grieving young people?" - a video co-designed with the project's Youth Advisory Committee


Palliative Care Summit “Doing Death Differently” – co-facilitated (with Shelly Skinner) a 1-hour session on “Grief and Loss” for stakeholders from palliative care, aged care, community services, community members, researchers, policymakers, carers, and volunteers


ABC Radio National "Grief and the pandemic"


“Working together: A journey of designing and delivering workshops on grief and loss in the Aboriginal community” (with Angela Ryder), for the Australian Indigenous Psychology Education Project


“Learning to give, seek, and accept social support following loss” – keynote for Forum 2021, the 7th biennial conference of the Irish Hospice Foundation


“Bereavement support in Australia: Weaving care through health and community partners” – closing keynote address at the Singapore Grief and Bereavement Conference


Ladies, We Need to Talk podcast "Young widows"

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